Architecture and Ecology  


"Ecologically" is neither obviously, nor protected seal of quality. The Term is abused frequently and is misunderstood. Our point of view: 

Energy conservation: ecological building means, first of all, to keep natural resources. This begins with the expenditure of energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, and special building technology. An intelligent concept which also counts on passive effects, has to keep the energy demand of a building in small numbers. 

Recycling ability: in view of disposal expenses exponentially risen in the last years the reusability of building materials is neglected too much. This fact also has a quite strong economic aspect: if a building gets, as a result of thoughtless building material choice, close a ' temporary storage facility for toxic waste'  immediately, it is a hidden financial time bomb for its owner. In some decades substantial disposal expenses will result.

Wellness:  We regard also health aspects.  Therefore we check all construction products we plan to use. (Interrogation about the info-board ECObis 2000.) We reject any toxically dubious building materials. We place with priority mineral and natural materials.



At least: Planning an ecological building means careful choice of building materials, reasonable construction and no waste of energy. We move these thoughts, by your individual demands. (Incidentally: getting an reasonable concept you save more, than you put out for an architect's fee.)

The result is a quite normal looking house which renounces completely of  importunate eco labels. We think it is important a building is ecologically, not that it looks ecologically. We reject "eco-design". 


In our point of view, to build ecologically is not an ideology, it is just reasonable.


akt. 08-22-2002


